Defense Asteroid 2000NM

  June-July 2022 – Observe now!

 1 Observers like this event

Observation Details

  • June/July 2022
  • 3, 40 minute observations
  • Exp time: 3971ms, Gain:25
  • Visibility: (North America, Africa etc.)
  • Recommended Bortle Sky/Locale
  • Magnitude Range: 15-16
  • How To Guide, see Option A
Example Observation

The path of Asteroid 2000NM through the night sky. If the constellations this asteroid passes through are visible in your sky through the summer, you should be able to make an observation!

Additional Information

  • 215188 (2000NM) has an estimated diameter of 2.6 km. An impact from a single 1km asteroid would have catastrophic consequences on the global climate, kicking up tons of dust into the atmosphere and possibly ending human civilization as we know it.
  • 215188 (2000NM) will have its closest approach to Earth this July. Thankfully, it will still be ~100 lunar distances away, even at its closest.
  • 215188 (2000NM) is an Apollo asteroid so it’s orbit does cross the Earth’s path.

Currently no shape model exists for this asteroid. With your observations we can try to create one.